Transnational incubator for creative entrepreneurship in european rural areas


Number of jobs created: 2 (founders)
Project in operation: since august 2013
Location covered: Portugal and Galicia headquarters: Ponte de Lima
Sector: homemade cider production – promotion of endogenous resources


Corrupia is a homemade cider that evokes the expression of the green orchards loaded with flavors and colors, populated by the song of birds and hands that harvest the fruit that gives it shape and personality. Light, loose and witty, it involves moments of contagious energy accompanying the joyful conviviality of those who know how to enjoy life.
The 2 young entrepreneurs goals are to produce cider by recovering the tradition of artisanal manufacture; to create different cider products through distillation; to recover traditional varieties of apple that were used in the cider production.


The project was born in 2013, in Ponte de Lima, Portugal, with the help of the Portuguese State (Passport to Entrepreneurship Program) and with the support of the founders’ teacher from the agricultural school.
The founders contacted the municipality of Ponte de Lima that encouraged them in the development of the project and in the creation of the company. From the beginning they had the support of the municipality that offered all the cider production equipment they had and the space for production (Terra Incubar measure).
The 2 young entrepreneurs have applied for a public funding program called “Investe Jovem” for the purchase of materials and for support in traveling to fairs (loan without interest) and for payment of lost wages, without reimbursement .


The production has been increasing
Increased billing
Just in time sales (they sell what they produced)
Prize in Asturias – 2 nd place Semi Dry Cider
Bronze Award – Cider Sparkling
Awards allowed them to participate in more fairs and get more business contacts


They used the apples of the local producers, but it was not the variety they liked and there is no plenty of variety.
Difficulties with branding and finding the best channels to sell their products – need of a marketing specialist in the team.
Adapt to the market – the size of the bottle for example.
Change and recover consumption habits of cider – in Portugal people don’t drink much cider – and deconstructing the traditional image of cider in Portugal - prejudice as a poor quality drink / changing mentalities – need to disclosure the product the product – bet on the incentive to the consumption habit cider.

Late response of public funding programs and excessive bureaucracy - the premiums made it possible to overcome financial difficulties.


Take a management course before starting a business.
Get a good partner in the area of management and accounting.
Good relation with other public and private partners.
Do not channel all the energies into bureaucratic issues and management and forget about the business.
Contact with successful companies in the area and business associations.


Concello de Vedra
Avda. Mestre Manuel Gómez Lorenzo Nº1
15885 Vedra, A Coruña (Spain) 


Phone: +34 981 81 46 12
