Transnational incubator for creative entrepreneurship in european rural areas

Anacos Socioeducativos

Number of jobs created: 5 employees, up to 11 in the summer season
Project in operation: since 2014
Sector: social intervention through educational projects
The company’s headquarters are in Vedra.


When our young entrepreneur Rocío decided to go ahead with this project, her primary motivation was to become self-employed, after years of carrying out contract work for other businesses in the sector. She aimed to achieve her goal by developing projects of a longer duration which would increase her job stability. Once her entrepreneurial project was underway, her aim was clear: to innovate in the area of social intervention and to create a brand within her field. Her main innovation is in combining education with recreational activities. To this end, all of the social intervention projects offered by her business, especially for children, are based on leisure activities with an educational component. Furthermore, by carrying them out in a mainly rural area, she has a much closer relationship with the population she works with, entailing more satisfying results.


With a clear idea of her project goals in mind, our entrepreneur obtained a small financial contribution from public funds to help with her initial investment. Once the first project had been secured, staff had to be hired and to this end, she also received public financial support for entrepreneurs. Getting the entrepreneurial experience up and running was relatively simple as Rocío already had experience in the sector and was therefore able to develop her first project on her own.


This is a good example of experience of success from the moment in which most of the initial objectives were achieved in a short period of time. The entrepreneur achieved stability in her business by developing various long-term projects, and also managed to create a brand with her innovative work, thereby procuring a stable clientele. In addition to these initial objectives, she was able to create employment in a rural area where unemployment is high, at the same time as fostering a sector which is underdeveloped in the rural area.


The main obstacle which our entrepreneur came across was changing the attitude of the population, who expected activities from the social services sector to be free. This idea was so widespread that it was difficult to find a market for social intervention activities. Little by little, people grew to value the services which she offers and her objective clientele came to realize the worth of this innovative service which combines education with leisure and is characterized by education in moral values. A further obstacle, which is very common in rural areas where the market is more limited, was the lack of continuity of social intervention projects carried out by this business. In order to overcome this, much time and effort was spent on obtaining longer-term projects which, additionally, helped her to maintain the job stability she was looking for.


It is clear to Rocío, as it is to our other successful entrepreneurs, that in order to be successful you must love what you do and firmly believe in your entrepreneurial idea - hard work and constancy will do the rest.


Concello de Vedra
Avda. Mestre Manuel Gómez Lorenzo Nº1
15885 Vedra, A Coruña (Spain) 


Phone: +34 981 81 46 12
