Transnational incubator for creative entrepreneurship in european rural areas

Charo López Atelier

Number of jobs created: 1
Project in operation: Registered trademark since 2016, currently being established as a
Sector: fashion and accessories
The company’s headquarters are in Vedra.


The entrepreneur behind this project chose a rural setting in which to start up her business so as to take advantage of the amenities offered by this environment and to be able to sell her products from her premises. Her main objective when marketing her work was to ensure her brand name would be associated with high quality goods. To this end, she underwent extensive training so as to procure backing from the Galician Crafts Foundation (Fundación de Artesanía de Galicia) whose Craftworker’s charter “Carta de Artesano” provides added quality to handcrafted products.


Initially, our entrepreneur devoted her efforts to educating herself in the field of entrepreneurship and in specific handcraft techniques such as hat-making. Once trained, she registered her trademark and began to produce her first custom-made designs. The current premises of her business are in the family home so the initial investment was minimal, however, she is now looking to expand her enterprise and is therefore in the phase of receiving financial support for selling.


In the first place, attaining a personal brand in which her designs are associated with exclusive products, in the second place, being able to work in the field for which she has trained for years and, finally, being able to carry out her project without leaving her home town.


In her own words, one of the main challenges which she faced on trying to market her products in a rural area was changing the mentality of certain sectors of the population who did not understand having to pay for the exclusivity of a product. From her point of view, this implied having to persuade people of the added value of a unique, handmade product and to this end she worked hard to obtain the Craftworker’s charter (awarded by the Galician Crafts Foundation) which adds a seal of quality to her designs. Besides that, even though her future plans do not include setting up shops, she considers that rural areas, with their smaller population density, are a difficult market for direct retail.
Nevertheless, she does consider that, for certain jobs, the rural area has other advantages such as the peacefulness of the environment, larger working areas and a closer relationship with the direct buyer.


In our entrepreneur’s work there are two important aspects which could help new enterprises. On the one hand, the understanding that apart from having a business idea it is also important to learn about certain skills, both entrepreneurial and those related to the sector itself, so as to give added value to your work. On the other hand, the importance of the synergies which can arise from collaborating with other entrepreneurs; in the case shown here, our accessory designer actively collaborates with other entrepreneurs in the field of fashion design, obtaining greater prominence for all of them.


Concello de Vedra
Avda. Mestre Manuel Gómez Lorenzo Nº1
15885 Vedra, A Coruña (Spain) 


Phone: +34 981 81 46 12
