Transnational incubator for creative entrepreneurship in european rural areas


YouthNest.crea is a European project aimed at young people which aims to develop a virtual as well as an on-site ecosystem of support, advice, encouragement, training, stimulation and opportunities to shape innovative ideas for the empowerment of young people in their professional development. The project will also foster an entrepreneurial culture leading to self-employment opportunities with a focus on entrepreneurship within the creative sector in rural areas of the EU. The project is promoted within the framework of ERASMUS+ 2014-2020 Programme (Key Action 2 – Strategic partnerships supporting innovation in the field of youth), its total grant is €144,161. The project start date is September 1st, 2017 with an end date of August 31st, 2019.

What is it about?
The project consists of the creation of a multi-disciplinary transnational network comprised of professionals based in entities located across six EU jurisdictions (Concello de Vedra – Lead Partner, Spain; Stichting Business Development Friesland, Netherlands; Comune di Capannori, Italy; Newry and Morne Co-Operative Ltd, United Kingdom; Obec Zemplinske Hamre, Slovakia; and Associação Juvenil de Deão, Portugal). The network will work throughout the 24 months of the lifetime of the project in order to lay the foundations of a transnational incubator. It will jointly develop innovative, high quality methodologies, mechanisms, tools and content as well implementing a programme of pilot actions.


  • To foster an entrepreneurial culture which will lead to opportunities for self-employment among young people.
  • To improve the skills and competences of young entrepreneurs.
  • To value the endogenous potential of rural areas and to help ensure the preservation and sustainability of their resources through creative and innovative entrepreneurship models.


The pilot programme will offer an opportunity for 72 young people from the six EU partner jurisdictions to boost their skills, abilities, knowledge and business acumen. They will also benefit from direct interaction and exchange of experience and knowledge with other young people from the EU as well as experts in the field of entrepreneurship and business start-up. The incubators will be located in Spain, Italy and the Netherlands. They will offer the possibility of identifying self-employment opportunities in rural areas of the EU.

The programme includes:

  • LOCAL ACTIONS:   Raising awareness, information and dissemination for the promotion of entrepreneurship in rural Europe as a catalyst for the creation of opportunities for self-employment. 
  • TRANSNATIONAL ACTIONS:   A 20 day programme which will promote the (basic and specific) business skills which will be implemented through a combined mobility system (virtual and physical mobilities), structured within two modules: Online learning for the improvement of business skills (virtual mobility). In situ learning for the improvement of business skills (physical mobility).


The main beneficiaries of the project are young people between the ages of 16 and 30, mainly:

  • young graduates or students and trainees who are about to finish educational or training courses and are intending to join the labour market
  • young unemployed people • young people who have dropped out early and are not currently studying or working
  • those at risk of social exclusion, e.g. young people from marginalised communities, (rural entrepreneurship will be prioritised among women).
  • Young entrepreneurs (or young people with the intention of becoming entrepreneurs) who are willing to improve their business skills.

Concello de Vedra
Avda. Mestre Manuel Gómez Lorenzo Nº1
15885 Vedra, A Coruña (Spain) 


Phone: +34 981 81 46 12
